There are a multitude of ways to manipulate SharePoint, I will take the opportunity to give you a primer in connecting to your tenant using SPO and PnP PowerShell, and extending the default functionality with CSOM.
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Modernising a legacy application using ASP.NET 4.8, JWT, SQL Server, Entity Framework Data First and a React front-end - part 1
I intend for this tutorial series to highlight what I believe to be some very important aspects of dealing with legacy ASP.NET Web Applications, how to modernise them with a wrapper of sorts that can handle things like JWT session/passport Authorisation, securely exposing the existing database as a data layer...
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SPFx React - improving console logging - revisited
In my previous post we discussed how we could go about styling browser dev tool console logging to assist with the initial triage of issues within our SPFx Extensions.
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SPFx React - improving console logging
SharePoint console logging can be a nightmare to trawl through with the amount of information and error logging Microsoft leaves in their production code. Locally serving SPFx Extensions for testing on live sites only compounds this. I’ve come across some simple functionality that I had no idea existed whereby you...
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SharePoint Forms Managed Metadata Fields Resetting when Manipulated
It started two weeks ago. We were about to deploy a significant framework piece to a client environment that included, among many other components, an out of the box SharePoint List with custom Content Type. The Content Type includes multiple Managed Metadata Fields, all of which have default values selected...
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Scaffolding an ASP.NET Core MVC Web App with Identity
I came across a cross-post on Reddit today where the OP reposted a very outdated tutorial to create an ASP.NET login page revolving around old versions of ASP.NET (think .aspx pages, yuck!). I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a blog post highlighting a modern approach by...
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Scaffolding new vanilla React app with TypeScript
Righto, I want to get deeper into vanilla React development (outside of the scope of SharePoint). This will enable me to utilise all of my React skills for future endeavours. I will be scaffolding a new React app using TypeScript because I put great value on Type safety when working...
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SPFx React - scaffolding a new Extension project - Hello World!
Throughout recent blog posts, I’ve found myself continually referencing other peoples’ content when it comes to scaffolding of new SPFx projects. I don’t like to do that because they’re not in my normal style. I also don’t like to have to refer to other peoples’ content when I cough have...
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Creating many Pages using pre-configured Page Templates within SharePoint
First day back at work after a relaxing xmas break. I hope you’ve all had a good break yourselves. I want to touch on how to best utilise Custom Page Templates in Modern SharePoint, and how to use a CSV file to automate the provisioning of many such pages within...
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An objective look at SharePoint customisation
I’ve had a lot of time to reflect upon my career recently. You may not know from reading my content, but I never intended to become a SharePoint Developer, in fact, it was more or less forced upon me.
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