Some may be aware, but for those who aren’t, my day-job and career is hyper-focused on business applications and process improvement. These are my comfort zone. Like many though, I’ve always had an itch for game development, I want nothing more than to be able to have an indie developer...
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Server Sent Events in ASP.NET Core 8 and React
It’s no secret that I lost my job before Xmas, with that comes the need to interview and complete take-home projects. This blog post is intended to provide an overview of the project, some trials and tribulations, and a bit of detail revolving around my implementation. This is not intended...
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The start of PetrolIQ, ASP.NET Core with a React front-end - (kinda) part 2, Rolling your own Auth. Learnings, trials, tribulations and... wins?
A very long time ago, I started (and abandoned) a series about ASP.NET development, titled Modernising a legacy application using ASP.NET 4.8, JWT, SQL Server, Entity Framework Data First and a React front-end - part 1. Within that post, I began the process of updating an fictional pseudo-legacy ASP.NET Framework...
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Functional React - refactor your Class components within a SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Web Part
In this post, I’ll guide you through the process refactoring a boilerplate React class component within an SPFx project to be a functional component. In doing so, I’ll highlight why this is, in my opinion, the best approach from simplicity, readability and extensibility perspectives.
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SPFx React - scaffolding a new Web Part project in 2023!
I’ve created a YouTube video for creation of a new Web Part focusing on SPFx v1.18 and using Node 18. I also detail how to configure spfx-fast-serve.
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SPFx React State management on component property changes
With React in SPFx projects, Class Components provided 3 lifecycle methods that’d force re-rendering and give the ability for the developer to handle lifecycle within the scope of any particular component.
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SharePoint Page columns in sections are no longer returned in order
In the not-so-distant past, we used to be able to retrieve SharePoint Page content Columns (inside Sections) and could count on them being in order. This appears to no longer be the case, necessitating a rework of understood functionality and some reflection (pun intended).
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SPO fresh Communication Site missing Site Assets Library when provisioned, a work-around
I’ve observed today that SharePoint Communication Sites are no longer being provisioned with the default Site Assets Library.
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Automatic TypeScript update breaks dataVersion getter in SPFx 1.11
I noticed today that all of our SPFx solutions were throwing a compiler error within Visual Studio Code. Apparently the dataVersion getter included in the boilerplate of Yeoman scaffolded projects is suddenly incompatible.
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Primer - Manipulate SharePoint Site Collections part deux, C# and CSOM
My previous post detailed how to use PowerShell to connect to your SharePoint tenant using SPO and PnP PowerShell and manipulate it with CSOM. In this post we will do something very similar using C# and CSOM from within a Console App using the .NET Framework.
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